We are a diverse research group and we strive to be inclusive and respectful to all.
Principal Investigator

Sampriti Mukherjee, Ph.D.
Sampriti Mukherjee is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology. Originally from Kolkata, India, she obtained her B.S. and M.S. degrees from the University of Calcutta. In 2009, she came to the United States to pursue Ph.D. degree in the Department of Biology at Indiana University Bloomington. Working with Prof. Daniel Kearns, she discovered novel regulatory checkpoints in bacterial motility. During her postdoctoral work with Prof. Bonnie Bassler at Princeton University, she studied how the cell-to-cell chemical communication process of quorum sensing controls biofilm formation. At UChicago, she is leveraging her training in bacterial genetics, molecular biology, biochemistry, microfluidics and fluorescence microscopy, and genome-scale studies to define the molecular underpinnings of sensory signal detection, signal relay, signal integration, and the consequences to bacterial behaviors. Sampriti has received the Life Sciences Research Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship in 2016, NIH K99 Postdoctoral Fellowship in 2018, NIH R00 Faculty Transition Award in 2020, NIH Rising Stars Lecturer honor in 2020, the Searle Scholars Award in 2022, Aronson Junior Investigator Award and NIGMS MIRA in 2023. Outside of lab, she can be found exploring the outdoors with her family.
Sampriti Mukherjee_CV_July2024
Graduate Students

Erin Higgins
BMB Graduate Trainee
Hello! I am a PhD student in the Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics graduate program. I am interested in the biochemistry of bacterial proteins and how they have been shaped by evolution. I am studying photoreceptors, light sensitive ligands and their biosynthesis. Outside of lab, I enjoy swimming, painting, and spending time with my cat.

Anali Migueles Lozano
DRSB Graduate Trainee
Hola! I am a PhD candidate. I am insterested in cell and developmental biology of bacteria. I am studying how bacteria regain polarity after cell division and I found that I really enjoy microscopy and looking with my eyes how cells have found their ways to survive different conditions. Outside of lab, I enjoy petting my cats.

Dimitrios Manias
COM Graduate Trainee
Hello, I am a Microbiology PhD student interested in bacterial pathogenesis. I am studying how light regulates virulence and antimicrobial resistance. I discovered that I really enjoy bacterial genetics. Outside of lab, I enjoy baking and working out at the gym.

Derek Gille
CMB Rotation Student

Michael Bucher
COM Rotation Student

Earick Cagang
CMB Rotation Student
Research Staff

Georgia Fanouraki
Research Specialist
I am interested in predatory bacteria, genome editing and microscopy. Outside of lab, I enjoy cycling and long walks in nature.
Jared Winkelman, PhD
Guest Scientist
I am the co-founder of Trestle. I am interested in developing high-throughput technologies for investigating RNA-protein and protein-protein interactions across the tree of life. Outside of lab, I enjoy gardening and cooking.
Undergraduate Students

Aden Sun
BSCD Summer Research Fellow
I am an undergraduate student with interest in bacterial motility in the field of Microbiology. I discovered that I really enjoy designing experiments. Outside of lab, I enjoy riding my bike.

Marta Pantin
Quad Faculty Research Fellow
I am a biochemistry undergraduate student. I am studying bacterial photoreceptors and their ligands. I am passionate about the biochemistry of microbes and hope to pursue graduate studies in the future. Outside of lab, I enjoy playing the piano.